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Book Signing

Booksigning - "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories..."

Morristown NJ




Dave Somers sent pictures of Jean's signature on a copy of "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories" dedicated to his Mom, Pat Somers, wishing her a happy birthday. Dave remembers: This was at a book signing that he did in Morristown, NJ in the month of September (I'm thinking the last two weeks of the month) in 1971 after the book came out. I am including two other files showing the picture and text of the article, which appeared in the Morris County "Daily Record." Both my Mom and I would listen to him on WOR in the 60's at 10PM, laughing so long that we cried over his stories and rants and raves. Even now, whenever I hear that trumpet call for the race horses to gather at the starting gate, I chuckle and think about those evenings. His writing, and his oral presentations in the tradition of Studs Terkel and Will Rogers, were a national treasure. I know he was bitter in the end, not having achieved success (in his mind) equal to those before, but I will always hold my 'golden memories' of his broadcasts in the very same light. I hope this is interesting to you and your audience; I know it's an integral part of mine.
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:

September 1971
Autographed for Dave Somers' mother Pat

Courtesy: Dave Somers

September 1971
Daily Record article

Courtesy: Dave Somers