Date |
Story |
November 1955 |
An Interview With Some All-Stars
June 1964 |
Hairy Gertz And The 47 Crappies
one of life's yeastier experiences is to fish in that rich mulligatawny stew of dead toads, garter snakes and number-ten oil known as cedar lake |
September 1964 |
Grover Dill And The Tasmanian Devil
out of the darkness
screamed the fanged
and maniacal carnivore
that lurks in each of us-
At age thirteen |
December 1964 |
Waldo Grebb And His Electric Baton
eyes front, back arched, knees
snapping, the ted williams of
the twirling corps began his
countdown toward the launching
of his spinning silver bird |
February 1965 |
INTERVIEW: The Beatles
April 1965 |
Old Man Pulaski And The Infamous Jawbreaker Blackmail
longingly, the kids gazed at the
king's ransom of penny candies - the
juju babies, the root beer barrels,
the mary janes, the licorice pipes-
blissfully unaware that the laws of
human chicanery were about to shatter
their dreams of gustatory glory |
July 1965 |
Ludlow Kissel And The Dago Bomb That Struck Back
the bedazzled eyeball, the numbed eardrum,
the scorched psyche, the pyrotechnic sport shirt - all played an unforgettable role in celebrating
that glorious fourth in hammond, Indiana |
October 1965 |
Leopold Doppler And The Orpheum Gravy Boat Riot
climaxing a gala week of star-studded attractions - bank night, screeno night, amateur night and singalong night - dish night in hammond was a state occasion, and the milling mob was suitably solemn |
December 1965 |
Red Ryder Nails the Hammond Kid
January 1966 |
Playboy After Hours
Letter from Shepherd |
August 1966 |
Miss Bryfogal And The Case of The Warbling Cuckold
wherein the clandestine bathroom book reviewer of Warren G. Harding school stumbles into a child's garden of vices and is bushwhacked by the lurking serpent of temptation |
November 1966 |
Daphne Bigelow and the Spine-Chilling Saga of the Snail-Encrusted Tin-Foil Noose
April 1967 |
Scut Farkas and the Murderous Mariah
wherein the freckled upstart of cleveland street faces an epic showdown with the fastest lop in the Midwest |
September 1967 |
The Secret Mission of the Blue-Assed Buzzard
December 1967 |
The Return of the Smiling Wimpy Doll
July 1968 |
Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss
December 1968 |
Banjo Butt Meets Julia Child
in which the chipped-beef eaters of company k are recruited for a short order cram course in haute cuisine - and precipitate an epicurean insurrection |
April 1969 |
The Grandstand Passion Play of Delbert and the Bumpus Hounds
June 1969 |
Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories
September 1969 |
County Fair!
January 1970 |
Zinsmeister And The Treacherous Eighter From Decatur
September 1970 |
all hail the sovereign duchy of nieuw amsterdamme
December 1970 |
The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski and her Friendly Neighborhood Sex Maniac
December 1970 |
Playboy Holiday Album
May 1971 |
The Unforgettable Exhibition Game of the Giants versus the Dodgers, Tropical Bush league
August 1971 |
The Mole People Battle The Forces of Darkness
May 1973 |
Lost at C
August 1981 |
A Fistful of Fig Newtons (Short Story)