Columns / Short Stories Shep was always writing. . .
30 Articles Found for: The Village Voice
The Village Voice
May 9, 1956
How Hi the Good Life Of Madison Avenue's Fi?
June 20, 1956
Uh-Oh, Here Comes That Old Technology Again
August 1, 1956
Onward and Upward For Nothing-Heads Hi-Fi on the Road: II
August 29, 1956
Quo - Vadis?
September 5, 1956
Jazz It Up, Charlie
September 19, 1956
The Arena
September 26, 1956
October 3, 1956
The Miracle Ingredient
October 17, 1956
October 24, 1956
A True Story
October 31, 1956
November 14, 1956
Voice From Within A Cocoon
November 21, 1956
Functional People
December 5, 1956
Veni, Vidi, Vidiocy
December 19, 1956
Merry Christmas from Little Brother
January 16, 1957
That Sort of Night That Sort of Night
February 13, 1957
Watch it Grow Shep is off to Europe this week for a month-long broadcasting tour from four major cities over there. He rashly promises to manage to tuck in some European dispatches for The Voice also.