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Last Update: 04-18-2016
Jean Shepherd - Live at the Limelight

Jean Shepherd
Album Title: Jean Shepherd - Live at the Limelight
Publisher: Quote Records Corporation
Date Released: March 3, 1965
Album / Record#: Q-4
A full color cover show Shepherd (sporting a goatee). Six black and white photos on the back. Liner notes by Paul Krasner. Copyright date 1964 - Released 3-3-65 per 3-5-65 show

SIDE A Fort Dix wire laying story SIDE B Brunner's Triangular Donut Chicago White sox story
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:
Links to Further Information:
• Brunner's Triangular Donut
• June 27, 1964 - Laying Wire

March 20,1965
Billboard Magazine announcement

Courtesy: Steve Glazer