No Commercials or Commercials Cut |
Shows This Sponsor Appeared On |
Date |
Time |
Show Title |
June 17, 1952 |
A Lesson on Jazz - KYW Town Room Broadcast
June 26, 1960 |
Grandmother on porch
June 26, 1960 |
Something In Your Eye Baby
November 22, 1961 |
Leg Lamp Ad
March 21, 1962 |
Nigerian Trip part 3
March 22, 1962 |
Nigerian Trip part 4
April 3, 1962 |
Greasy Kidstuff, Snark
April 4, 1962 |
Red Neck Saloon
October 17, 1962 |
Lawless Town & Smokey Joe
March 5, 1963 |
Orwellian Opposites
April 5, 1963 |
12:31 |
Great Sinking Sensation clown flop
Sponsor Note: commercials cut right after he mentions Mandarin House
July 1, 1963 |
Moving Music
July 2, 1963 |
Night Games
July 22, 1963 |
Maine Solar Eclipse
July 30, 1963 |
Gertz and the 47 Crappies
August 13, 1963 |
A Klotz is a Klotz
July 1, 1964 |
Introduction to Classical Music - High School Orchestra, Moving Music
July 2, 1964 |
Being A Peeping Tom
January 4, 1965 |
Broken New Year's Resolutions
June 26, 1965 |
Graduation Day
July 3, 1965 |
The Dago Bomb
November 1, 1965 |
Folk Tales of the American Road
1965 |
Going to the Races, Brits Have No Taste
1965 |
One Man Radio Station
1965 |
Early Days in Cincinnati - Amos and Andy
1965 |
The Magic of Radio
1965 |
Old Movies on TV - Laurel and Hardy
1965 |
The Grandstand Syndrome
1965 |
The Look on the Face Through Past Ages
1965 |
End of the World
1967 |
TV Commercials, Boardwalk Pass, Latrine Orderly
March 9, 1968 |
Library Paste Junkies
April 6, 1968 |
March on Washington
May 25, 1968 |
Army Bourbon March
June 19, 1968 |
Vote For The Tiger and Raising Worms
January 14, 1969 |
January 18, 1969 |
Setting the Tone - Life Changers
January 25, 1969 |
Army Myths Vs real Life - Boozing
February 1, 1969 |
Cab Conversation, Menial Job-Rat Boy in Steel Mill
March 1969 |
Sleeping Toll Taker, Penns Dutch Country
April 12, 1969 |
Report from Tower
September 8, 1969 |
Salute to New Jersey
September 22, 1969 |
Army Story - Stripes
November 28, 1969 |
Rising Out of the Meatloaf - Caterpillar in Salad
December 29, 1969 |
New Year's Resolutions
December 1969 |
Agra-Taj M
December 1969 |
New Dehli India - radio cricket.mp3
Unknown |
Nightmares of working in radio stations
April 22, 1970 |
First Earth Day
Sponsor Note: Partial show
May 9, 1970 |
The Great Rube Revolution, Status Symbols
June 19, 1970 |
Crashing Summer Picnics
September 18, 1970 |
Fixing the Old Man's Car
Octobere 1970 |
January 6, 1971 |
Camel in Indiana, feeding, bites jacket
February 19, 1971 |
Gambling At Grocery Store
April 3, 1971 |
Canary Funeral, How to Camp
April 1971 |
Popular Mechanics
Sponsor Note: Cut
August 24, 1971 |
Golfing and Alligator
1971 |
Fake Ids, Diplomas, Credentials
1971 |
Peace Watch
1971 |
15:50 |
Summer Pinball
Sponsor Note: Cut
1971 |
Drunk Tracking
1971 |
The Specialist
February 22, 1972 |
Radio History
October 9, 1972 |
Broke in NYC
Sponsor Note: Cut
1972 |
Greenwich Village
March 26, 1973 |
Simonize - How to Wax A Car
June 8, 1973 |
Dead Flies In The Coke Bottle
June 13, 1973 |
02:40 |
The Great Ice Cream War
July 10, 1973 |
Summer School (Repeat)
November 23, 1973 |
Racing Cockroaches
December 21, 1973 |
Bunny Slippers, Ego Gifts
January 7, 1974 |
Recreating An Old Time Radio Show, Classic WOR Clip
February 14, 1974 |
Pepito the Monkey, Pickled peppers Disasters (Red and Green Things)
September 4, 1974 |
Unforgettable Night
November 11, 1974 |
First DJ Experience
November 20, 1974 |
Now Generation - Education
December 9, 1974 |
Ads, stamp to country, life expectancy, animals vs. man, Immortality Desire
December 13, 1974 |
December 20, 1974 |
Human nature, pollster questions, life philosophy
December 23, 1974 |
Phone Number in Wallet
1974 |
Age of Bad Taste
January 17, 1975 |
Ad people, strange chain letter, dish rag letters
January 22, 1975 |
Great Moments on Turnpike
January 24, 1975 |
Kid Hears Shep Thru Fillings - Todays Depression
February 4, 1975 |
Salute to Slob Art - Nixon Resignation
February 13, 1975 |
Show of Peace Serenity Porn Junk Mail Koto Frogs
February 17, 1975 |
Eating Grubel nuts as a kid - Favorite Commercials
February 18, 1975 |
Escape From Reality
February 19, 1975 |
Salamander - Frozen Time Theory - Time to animals
February 20, 1975 |
Trains and Railroads
February 20, 1975 |
Mysterious Things; Gravity Hill
February 24, 1975 |
Hobbies - Collecting Studebakers - 17 ft ball of string - gum wrappers
February 25, 1975 |
Comic reading age is up, Reading Quality Down, Non-deserving College Grads: Dr's, lawyers etc.
February 26, 1975 |
The Learned Phrenologist
March 4, 1975 |
Glee Club (part 1)
March 11, 1975 |
Funny Expressions and TV Plots
March 14, 1975 |
Mysterious Things; Gravity Hill
April 1, 1975 |
Salute to Post Office - stamp to country importance - tennis - Father Nature
April 4, 1975 |
TV Trivia - Decline of American Civilization - Old vs New TV
April 15, 1975 |
Salute to dingbat, Ostrich theory, Flat Earther, Capt. Stickey & Evil Detector, anger, animal sounds, civilization ending
April 23, 1975 |
How to Taste a Pickle
May 16, 1975 |
Power Reading - The Real Times
May 29, 1975 |
Getting suspended from school
May 14, 1976 |
Stanley, the Worm Eater
1976 |
Dingdongs & Dingbats
1976 |
CB Madness / Benedict Arnold
1976 |
New School Beauty
1976 |
Play It Again, Sam
1976 |
Opera at the Zoo
1976 |
Political Convention Speeches
1976 |
Wisconsin Heartland / Geography Quiz
1976 |
Springtime Musical Madness - The Nutty Season Has Begun!
1976 |
Midsummer Madness Time / Summer Solstice / Comic Characters on Stamps
1976 |
Practical Jokes
1976 |
1976 |
Knack for Test Taking
1976 |
Summer's Over / Labor Day
1976 |
Fads, T-Shirt Slogans, Pet Rock Cemetery
1976 |
Gruesome-O-Mania, Dillinger's Finger (Syndicated Show)
1976 |
Geoffry's Exploding Ginger Beer & Beets
1976 |
Media Addiction: A Salute to Rona Barrett and the Blabber Industry
1976 |
High School Glee Club (Christmas)
1976 |
Christmas Job at Marshall Field
1976 |
The Sousaphone
1976 |
Don't Horse Around!
1976 |
The Sophisticated Cave Maker
1976 |
Lost Undies, Dropped Drawers, The Invention of Work, and the Nature of Time (and Weather)
1976 |
Steel Mill Mailman Disaster
1976 |
The Ages of Man / Age of Bad Taste
1976 |
Our Trivial Life/All the President's Men
March 2, 1977 |
Bartering - Stealing Radio Tubes
March 16, 1977 |
Sporting Anecdotes - 1823 book readings
March 23, 1977 |
Architecture Style King Kong
April 20, 1977 |
Knockdown Time Charles Boyer Trist Techniques Rules of Love
1977 |
Kopfspeil, or The Musical Head
1977 |
Literacy and Poetry - The Bobolink
1977 |
Used Car / Salute to Hyenas
1977 |
Sin and Revivalism
1977 |
Old Airplanes
1977 |
Extremely Bad Taste
1977 |
1977 |
Spring - Baseball Poetry, Tornado Story
1977 |
Mimories Kin Be Painful
1977 |
Clarence, the Singing Chicken
1977 |
Old Electrical Devices
1977 |
1977 |
Works of Art - The Bugatti
1977 |
1977 |
The Last Laugh / The Past / Pilgrims
1977 |
Being in A Hurry
1977 |
Live Show-Schooldays, Holidays, Halloween Prank
1977 |
Costumes for Class Play
1977 |
Village Voice / Truth About Country Music
1977 |
Rubes, The American Spectator, and The Booboisie
1977 |
True Tarzan & Phony Sports
1977 |
Recorded on Location in Alaska
1977 |
Potpourri - Handy Hints and Kinks
1977 |
Primal Laughter
1977 |
Time Capsule
1977 |
Vampire Country
1977 |
October 20, 1986 |
Summit High School