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French 75
"The drink is composed of Champaign and Cognac, yes Champaign and Cognac, so what you do is take a jigger of Cognac - of good Cognac - and you put this into a tall glass... almost like a Tom Collins glass for example, and you put a jigger of this Cognac in it, and then you fill the glass up with good dry French Champaign. And then you take a swizzle stick... swizzle it up and it all bubbles... and you put ice in it, it's usually served with ice, and quite often it can be served with a twist of lemon in it too, they may add that to it... that is a French 75" - Jean Shepherd - November 10, 1969 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Named during WW-I, it became famous as the drink of returning fighter pilots... they would celebrate their safe return and toast their fallen comrades with the French 75. The name came from the most famous artillery weapon to come out of WW-I, known for it's fantastic kick. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Links to Further Information:
• French 75 on about.com
• French 75 on barnonedrinks.com
• French 75 on webtender.com
• 11-10-69 - WOR show - "The French 75"

The "French 75" - taken at the West Point Ordnance Museum

Courtesy: Rich Badagliacca

"French 75" Round - Photo courtesy of Doug Rentsch

Courtesy: Max Schmid