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G, Gary
Blaine, Washington
Joined: January 31, 2003
Shep fan since: 1959
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 792
Thanx for immortalizing this great wit.
G, Frank
Massapequa, New York
Joined: July 09, 2005
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1495
That voice evokes lots of great memories! I have one tape of his shortwave show. I still remember the show where he, Flick and some other buddies drove to Ct for Ice Cream .... I doubt any of today's on-air personalities could match his gift of telling a story. 73 there K2ORS SK.
Galbraith, John
Hammond, Indiana
Joined: March 17, 2007
Shep fan since: 1968
Discovered Shep:
Read his Playboy short stories
Guest No: 1952
I grew up on the southeast side of Chicago just a stones throw from Hammond. Started reading Playboy at 16 in 1967 and got hooked on Jean's stories (among other things). The books followed and his columns in Car & Driver. I looked forward to and read everything of his I could find. Remember watching his PBS series "Jean Shepard's America" and recall the tinny little theme song it had. Saw "Phantom of the Open Hearth" on PBS as well. Lucked into seeing "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss" on TV once years ago but it hasn't been on again for many years now. "A Christmas Story" is nearly unavoidable during the holiday's but I still enjoy it. Found a set of 3 tape cassettes Jean recorded in 1988, of readings of some of his Playboy stories. The set is called "Shepard's Pie" and was produced by Dorset Audio. What attracted me most of all of Jean's work were his childhood stories. These took place some 20 years before my time but it was amazing how my life experiences turned out so much like what he wrote. His prom story, "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories", and His vacations at "Ollie Hopnoodles" were practically the scripts of my similar experiences. My senior prom day was a disaster to a great extent, too, and our family vacations were two weeks each year spent in a drafty cabin in Wisconsin where we had to haul all our own stuff to in a seriously overloaded car. Had the leaky rowboat on a mosquito infested little lake as well. I've reread Jean's books and articles many times most of my life and they have always given me a lift. I wish he could have written more. This past Christmas, the Hammond Times published several articles one Sunday about A Christmas Story and Jean. There were also sidebar stories about the house used in the film and the famous leg lamp. Some of the things written about Jean weren't particularly complimentary, especially about his relationship with his children, but everyone has skeletons in their closets. I meant to save that paper but I'm afraid it got thrown out accidentally. No matter, I still have everything else to remember him by.
Gale, Michael
Atlanta (was Union, NJ), Georgia
Joined: January 03, 2004
Shep fan since: 1964
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1189
My older cousin Stuart from Staten Island turned me on to Jean and I rarely missed the 10:15 pm start. It still thrills me to hear his voice and fondly remeber John Wingate's and Stan Lomax' wonderful voices. I loaned "In God We Trust" to my neighbor Kurt and never got it back! My daughter is addicted to the movie. Flick does, indeed, live. Is it possible to buy tapes or cds of the shows?
Gale, Michael
Atlanta, Georgia
Joined: July 03, 2004
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1272
I was raised in Union, NJ, hard by the Flagship and Denisons on Route 22, yet despite such proximity to the epicenter of American culture, it was my cousin Stuart from Tottenville who turned me on to Jean. My black leatherette Panasonic spewed Shep from 10:15 until 11, in the dark, the only listener in the world. Was anyone else in on the Limelight shows? My only appearance in the Ivy League was when I saw Jean at Princeton in the early '70s with my friend Howard. I loaned "In God We Trust..." to my lifelong friend Kurt who moved the next week and I haven't seen him or the book since, but even this Shep had prepared me for my friends.
Gallagher, Dennis
Trevose, Pennsylvania
Joined: March 12, 2005
Shep fan since: 1970
Discovered Shep:
Saw his TV show
Guest No: 1447
I used to watch his shows with my mom and dad on public t.v. I don't remember what years[I was a little tyke]
Gambardella, Virginia
Kew Gardens ,New York, New York
Joined: August 03, 2007
Shep fan since: 1994
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 2341
I watch the Christmas Story every year on Christmas Eve it gets better every time the opening scene at the dept store windowis perfect I'm a kid again, but isn't that what it's all about. The only thing in the entire movie that doesn't fit is the mothers hair, mothers didn't have wild hair then but hey who cares the rest is great every bit of it. Where can a purchase the fourth of july tape my friend saw it once on TV but never again. HELP thanks. Virginia
Gamble, Robert
StPetersburg, Florida
Joined: December 20, 2000
Shep fan since: 2000
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 350
gardner, van
north miami beach, Florida
Joined: March 15, 2005
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1453
i recently was searching the net for a book to purchase and came across "excelsior,you fathead". i then did a google search and came across this great site. i used to listen to shep on wor.am radio as a kid growing up in brooklyn,before they gave brooklyn away to the hordes. anyway, i used to listen to him at 10p.m or so in bed with my brand new transitor radio with genuine imitation leather case with holes in it so you could listen to the radio right through the case.i used to love listening to his flick and friends stories. later,when the hippie day's were in full bloom i would often listen to wbai and marshall effron or someone like that. wbai had constant telethons even then. i miss those day's and was pleased to find this site that,for me,is like a time machine.i plan to purchase some shep tapes on my next buying spree.
Garland, Charles "Guy"
East Hampton, New York
Joined: December 14, 2005
Shep fan since: 1972
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1559
I wish I could find my Panasonic 12 transistor radio and stuff it under my pillow and listen to Shep again....Stories about incredible traffic jams still stick in my mind...
Garner, Thomas
Fontana, California
Joined: April 08, 2007
Shep fan since: 1970
Discovered Shep:
Read one of his books
Guest No: 1971
I grew up in Hammond and associate with many of the references in his stories, such as the Bluebird Tap and the annual trip to Crown Point for the Lake County fair and dating mysterious Polish girls from East Chicago. All of Shep's stories bring back fond (and some times not so fond) memories of a past time.I am glad to know that so many appreciate his stories as much as I do.
Garrett, John
Petaluma, California
Joined: December 18, 2008
Shep fan since: 1953
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2806
I grew up in N.J. and first heard Jean because my mother listened to him. I remember he was on the radio on Saturday from PA before he went to WOR in NY. From that time until I moved out of NJ in late 1972, I listened to him every night, all through grade school and high school until I went into the Navy during the Vietnam conflict. When I returned home I resumed listening. The worst part of moving from NJ in 1972 was not being able to hear his shows every night. It was difficult to explain to people what it was he did, because he was more than a monologist; it was like sitting down with your favorite uncle, you know, the one who could always find an audience for his stories. Nobody cared if they were true or not; they were fun to listen to. I remember Jean Shepherd from my childhood and consider him to have been an important influence on my life. I really miss him and will be forever grateful for all the years he entertained us. I saw him live at the Limelight in NY once and will never forget how the audience was totally engaged. Excelsior you Fatheads! Even now I can hear his theme music fading as he goes off the air.
Gary Liebisch, Gary
Milford, Ohio
Joined: May 07, 2000
Shep fan since: 1964
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 191
Gately, Christopher
Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Joined: April 19, 2005
Shep fan since: 1966
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1463
My parents listened to "Shep" on KYW when they were dating in college. I discovered him while "DX"ing on my KROY pocket AM transistor radio with earphone when I was supposed to be asleep. My best friend in school was a Shepherd fan, too. We always talked about the previous night's show at lunch. We both represented our school at Shep's Press conference at the National Press Club in NYC in the late sixties. I still have the signed cover letter that came with the "Press Passes". I went to Rosetta Electric and got a $1.00 Black Light poster during a trip to NYC to visit with my grandparents. I work sound at live shows among other things audio. At the end of shows, sometimes I will play the "Bahn Frei" polka and inevitably some Shep fan will come over to ask where I got the recording. I guess "Flick still lives"...
Gates, Dan
Coluimbus, Georgia
Joined: November 11, 2000
Shep fan since: 2000
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 288
Gaughan, Terrence
New York via Hammond, Indiana, New York
Joined: July 09, 2001
Shep fan since: 1958
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 633
Gavaghen, Michael
Weston, Florida
Joined: December 30, 2005
Shep fan since: 1972
Discovered Shep:
Read one of his books
Guest No: 1586
My friend Roy's older brother had been a listen-all-night Shep fanatic who gave Roy a copy of Wanda Hickey, which quickly made the rounds among us smaller fry. I laughed harder at the Bumpus saga than anything I had ever read, and was hooked for life. Of course, In God We Trust followed immediately, The Ferarri in the Bedroom when it came out, and so on. The last LP I bought was a Shep album in which I learned all about Mike Kreevich. The Christmas movie may be the only film ever made that can play in the background for 24 hours at a time (as it does in our house every year) and not ever get tiresome. That is more a tribute to the story (and to Darren McGavin's extraordinary embodiment of the old man) than to its merits as a film. A side note: Our oven broke down midway through our Christmas turkey a few years ago, so we trekked to the only area restaurant that did not require reservations -- the South China Seas. No one sang "Fah-Rah-Rah" for us, but Shep's spirit was alive in our house that day.
Geiger, Vicky
Galveston, Texas
Joined: April 17, 2000
Shep fan since: 2000
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 89
Geiger, DPM, Arthur
Brooklyn, New York
Joined: May 27, 2001
Shep fan since: 1950
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 581
gelburd, mike
staten island, New York
Joined: January 25, 2004
Shep fan since: 1958
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1214
in the late 50's shep used to be on sunday nights , late into the morning,he had a stunt where he made the car at the toll booth pay for the guy behind him, i loved shep, he was like the pop i never had back then---in fact that 'cheap guitar music', i learned to play it(classical guitar)---and when i play some of the spanish composser i remember...
Geller, G.
Cedarhurst, New York
Joined: March 02, 2003
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 898
I wish I could have thanked Mr. Shepherd in person for the joy he gave to me as a child, listening to him every night when he was on WOR... I was an impressionable 10 year old then,and the images created by that voice coming out of my radio will always remain in my mind... If I had not failed math, I would never have discovered Jean Shepherd, for I was punished and not allowed to watch tv... so I turned on the radio... I am glad I failed math.
Gelman, Howard
Sydney, Australia
Joined: April 10, 2000
Shep fan since: 1956
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 80
George, Peter Q.
Whitman, Massachusetts
Joined: August 02, 2003
Shep fan since: 1977
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1027
Greetings!! My name is Peter Q. George (K1XRB). I was very happy to learn that Shep (K2ORS) was a big Ham Radio enthusiast. I used to listen to his shows nightly on WBUR-FM in Boston, in the late 1970's. I've been a ham operator for nearly 18 years and Shep really peaked my interest in it, while I was listening to one of his radio shows. He was a fascinating and well-rounded person both with radio and his storytelling. I'm a big fan and I'm thankful that he left his legacy on tape for all to enjoy. 73 de K1XRB. Peter Q. George (K1XRB) Whitman, Massachusetts
Gerber, Warren
New providence, New Jersey
Joined: January 01, 2008
Shep fan since: 1962
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2665
EXCELSIOR! You Fathead! Keep up the great work!
Gerhard, Peter
Reading, Pennsylvania
Joined: November 17, 2001
Shep fan since: 1998
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 735