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P, Jess
Covington, Kentucky
Joined: December 25, 2005
Shep fan since: 1990
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 1572
I've been a Shep devotee since becoming addicted to 'The Christmas Story' movie. I salute TBS for the 24hr Xmas annual marathon. The Cincinnati Enquirer did a great story on him for the holidays. He actually lived in Covington!!
P., Mike
Philly, Pennsylvania
Joined: April 21, 2000
Shep fan since: 1970
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 94
Pabst, Greg
San Francisco, California
Joined: January 21, 2006
Shep fan since: 1975
Discovered Shep:
Read one of his books
Guest No: 1612
ON L.I., New York
Joined: March 17, 2007
Shep fan since: 1955
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1953
A great site! Thank you for creating it. p.s.; Don't give out my email to solicitors, otherwise it's o,k,
Padwa, Larry
Stony Brook, New York
Joined: August 29, 2003
Shep fan since: 1956
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 806
I remember that during the late 50's (before his nightly 45-minute show of the 60's), he used to do a 4-hour Sunday night show (9 PM to 1 AM). This once a week outing was truly awesome as he could keep this high-school student's attention for four hours at a stretch every week. This also led to some very sleepy Mondays in class! Thanks for a great site. -Larry
Pagani, Nick
Greenwich, Connecticut
Joined: October 11, 2005
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1533
I have been trying to interest my 8 year old in reading, by reading her excerpts from Shep's books and not only has she made the connection from "christmas story" to what I listened to at her age, but she is a convert now and another generation will remember Shep
Pall, Cary D.
Toledo, Ohio
Joined: May 07, 2000
Shep fan since: 1961
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 189
Palley, Andy
Montvale, New Jersey
Joined: March 31, 2000
Shep fan since: 1964
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 33
Palmer, Dave
Silverdale, Washington
Joined: May 10, 2000
Shep fan since: 1985
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 196
Panny, John
Nashua, New Hampshire
Joined: January 09, 2006
Shep fan since: 1968
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1602
You hit the nail on the head. I recall falling asleep many a junior high school night with Shep under the pillow. I remember Christmas 1968 when my parents let me open one present early. It was an Ampex cassette recorder. I remember racing upstairs putting the batteries in and trying to figure out how I was going to tape a 45 minute show on a 35 minute tape. Though I don't have the whole show I can still pick up the tape and hear Shep read chapter 1 of In God We Trust. Who ever realized that a story which started with "Disarm the toy industry" would turn into a Christmas Classic or that many of my future allowances would go to Two Guys and Lafayette Radio for cassettes. (Anyone from New Jersey will rember those pre cursors of Walmart and BestBuy) Over the years many of the cassettes have disappeared others contain parts of two shows but until I found this site that was the only remaining Shep I knew. It's ashame the legend of Ludlow Kissel was never made into a summertime classic. Oh and less we forget how many of us followed Shep's direction and taped that last Palisade Amusement Park commecial. I know I have it somewhere. Out of curiosity Shep'ed hawked for the longest time a poster, I believe it was Day One. Did anyone ever buy one and if so was it really as ungodly as Shep discribed it. I will close with what Shep inscribed in the front cover of my copy of Wanda Hicky's Night of Golden Memories, To "John a true slob from New Jersey"
paraskevas, mickey
southampton, New York
Joined: September 20, 2008
Shep fan since: 1971
Discovered Shep:
Read one of his books
Guest No: 2774
Long live shep...
Parisi, Mark
Medford, Massachusetts
Joined: March 13, 2001
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 507
Parker, Christopher Parker
Montclair, New Jersey
Joined: August 10, 2000
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 151
Parker, Dan
Fairfax, Virginia
Joined: September 13, 2000
Shep fan since: 1975
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 227
Parkinson, Paul
Mt Royal, New Jersey
Joined: February 01, 2003
Shep fan since: 1983
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 795
I think Phantom was the first I'd discovered Shep, then likely Christmas, and I've been junked out on the Radio shows, etc. since. I'm always looking for material, especially the movies (many of which I do not own), so if anyone knows where I can buy, I appreciate the info: integratedjava@hotmail.com
Parks, Tom
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Joined: October 25, 2004
Shep fan since: 1980
Discovered Shep:
Saw his TV show
Guest No: 814
Never heard of Shep until his PBS TV shows aired in the '70's or 80's. Would give my left disgronificator for some video tapes or DVD's of these shows. As a former steel worker, I specially liked "The Phantom of the Open Hearth".
PHILS, Pennsylvania
Joined: November 09, 2003
Shep fan since: 1962
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1091
Parrott, John
Dousman, Wisconsin
Joined: October 15, 2008
Shep fan since: 1963
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2784
I'm just another whimpering kid from the suburbs, clutching my first edition of "In God We Trust.." I tried to get him to sign it when he came to Wohlmuth's clothiers in Manhasset to get measured for a suit. After he arrived on his Honda 305 Superhawk, the crowd became impenetrable, and their adulation was manic to the point that I crept off, figuring that I was enjoying the best of him as I listened to WOR. He's one of the very few people I've heard who actually made me want to remember and write down what was going on around me; a whimpery kid life could actually have epic qualities. Anyone remember the night things got out of control at the Limelight, and they had to stop broadcasting the show? What was that Dionysian cry? "EVOE!" Shep was swept away by those primal forces that night. Love the site, thanks so much for your good work.
Pasek, Gerhard
Victor, New York
Joined: October 12, 2004
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1333
Thank you very much for this webb site. Shep is the greatest!
Pasek, Gerhard
Rochester, New York
Joined: November 21, 2006
Shep fan since: 1970
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1829
In May 1969 I arrived at JFK as 23 year old political refugee from what was then Czechoslovakia. I knew very little English. I saved and purchased "Hi/Fi" and by chance I tuned Jean Shepherd and I was hooked. His voice, diction and the stories he told. I admired him, learned my English from him. I own and read his books, watch his Christmas Story. Thank you Jean Shepherd for being there for me.
pasternak, bob
, New Jersey
Joined: December 25, 2004
Shep fan since: 1959
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1405
In the late 1950's, it was my brother who was the first to introduce me to the wonderful world of Shep's stories (Saturday morning on WOR). And, I don't think that I have ever enjoyed a story teller more than Jean Shepherd. He was the best.
Paszczyk, Joe
Chicago, Illinois
Joined: December 01, 2003
Shep fan since: 1970
Discovered Shep:
Saw his TV show
Guest No: 1103
Like the writers below, I saw the article in the Sunday Tribune. It struck a cord. I grew up in Hegewisch, a neighborhood in Chicago right across the border from East Chicago, Indiana. 'Christmas Story' could have been mine-- the neighborhood, the people, the experiences. I have been a fan of Shep for years. I marvel at his ability to tell an engaging story with none of the gizmos we see on TV nowadays. I work in TV. Trust me: his way was better.
Patrick, Frank
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Joined: July 21, 2003
Shep fan since: 1963
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1012
My audio/humor late adolescence was dominated by Jean Shepard and Peter Schickele (PDQ Bach). Unbelieveable...I go looking for Shep on the net, and I come across a listing of shows from BAI that starts with the first Shep I ever heard -- the Old Man's Fireworks stand. '63 sounds a bit early to my memory, but that was definitely the story -- he probably did repeat it on subsequent 4ths. I was a rabid fan all through high school, listening at night with the radio under the pillow. There were enough of us fans in East Brunswick (NJ) High School to get him to appear there. There's a picture in our class of '68 yearbook, but I think it might have been a year or so before...probably '67.
Patrucco, Brenda
Brooklyn, New York
Joined: March 14, 2005
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1450
great shows!
Patterson, Michael Robert
Wantagh, New York
Joined: October 09, 2001
Shep fan since: 1963
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 706