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R, Bob
carlstadt, New Jersey
Joined: July 05, 2000
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 138
R, Dawnie
Wayne, West Virginia
Joined: October 22, 2006
Shep fan since: 2003
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1791
I am wondering..i have heard several people tell me about Shep sometimes doing trivia on his shows and that there was a specific name that he had for it. If anyone could help me figure this out, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
R., Eric
West Des Moines, Iowa
Joined: June 01, 2001
Shep fan since: 1999
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 589
R., Susie
Califon, New Jersey
Joined: January 23, 2007
Shep fan since: 1959
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1904
Like many other fans, I, too, used to listen to Shep in bed at night with the radio turned very low so my parents would not know I was still awake. My father would not have mind, however, as he, too, was a Shep fan. I was fortunate to see him in concert once. Fantastic! Several years ago, I had major surgery and knew I would be out of work for several months. To help me while away the time, I ordered several tapes of Sheps shows from the 70's and spent hours listening to them. Over time, I've either misplaced (loaned out) most of them - the dog ate one or two also - and was thrilled to recently find CD's from the 60's. Life has now come full circle, as I am once again lying in bed late at night listening to Shep.
Radowski, Dennis
Hammond, Indiana
Joined: September 17, 2004
Shep fan since: 1967
Discovered Shep:
Read his Playboy short stories
Guest No: 1317
Started reading Jean Shepard while I ws in the Air Force stationed in Panama City FL. What hit home, from what I remember was the similarity between Shep's days in the Signal Corps somewhere near the Everglades and mine as a communications specialist in Panama City. There was a reference somewhere to grape kool aid, always an alternative to coffee or milk at the chow hall. ...Josephine Cosnowski... also hit home with the unlived in living room and the kitchen in the basement. A lot of that in South Chicago. Need to know where I can buy the DVDs, if available, especially the one about the 4th of July, my birthday. Jean Shepard - all good stuff!!
Radvansky, Bill
New Kensington, Pennsylvania
Joined: May 31, 2007
Shep fan since: 2000
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2086
I have about 1000 of Sheps' shows and have listened to many of them over and over. They continue to be as timely, revelant(yes, revelant!), and entertaining as ever. Thanks for all that you do to keep it going.
Raff, D.
Dutchess County (fornerly Hartsdale, NY), New York
Joined: December 03, 2000
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 320
Raisen, Joshua
Miami, Florida
Joined: July 25, 2004
Shep fan since: 1973
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1280
DecoHello -- Quite the nice site. My first exposure to Jean Shepherd was nearly 30 years ago. The old man was driving the family up from Miami to Cape Kennedy for I guess it was the Apollo Soyuz launch. I figured it had to be 3 AM on the deserted blue highway, but maybe it just seemed that late to an eight-year old kid and it was in fact earlier. My two kid sisters beside me in the back seat are sound asleep, as is my mother in the front seat next to my Dad, so it's just me and my dad, not talking, listening, to the engine, other cars, the AM car radio. He's got something funny on the radio, something funny that I in my 7-year old kid brain soon realizes is SOMETHING FUNNY, some lunatic hipster going on about "pernicious jepip" or some other such unlikelihood. . . . . Still not sure whether that was my father's first exposure to Shepherd or not, but I know it was mine. After that, my father found an AM station in Miami (WKAT) that played his shows, and he began inviting me into his late night lair, his den, where he studied, read, watched TV, etc. until incomprehensible hours of the morning, to listen to the radio shows. I listened to I'm sure of over 100 of Shepherd's shows in that crowded den, and thus became both a lifelong night owl, and a member of the dimly realized cadre of cognoscenti who could claim familiarity with Flick, Brunner, Grover Dill, and Scott Farkas. . . . But then I got older, didn't see my old man as much, found other, more modern, outlets into hipster ramblings. Sure, I recognized the voice in a Christmas Story, but for the most part Jean Shepherd had faded into the background, and even his death in 1999 barely registered. Perhaps that is changing, though. This past weekend, my girlfriend found at a Borders or some such chain, a copy of "Shepherd's Pie, Slice Seven: Scut Farkas and the Murderous Mariah" and everything came flooding back. I've listened to it through three times now, and this morning I fired up the browser to see what the phrase "murderous Mariah" might bring up. Of course it brought up your site, and in between counter sales and faxes and everything else today at work, I've managed to read "Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil" Although I haven't been over your site with fine tooth comb as of yet, I would hope that when I do, I would find the two shows I most remember: 1)the State of the Universe Message and 2) the one about the footprints on the ceiling (were they Flick's?) It's been a pleasure writing this letter, I hope you had a quarter as much pleasure reading it. Thanks again for your wonderful site on the only American with whom comparisons to the genius of Mark Twain might plausibly be made.
Ramsey, David
Brownville, Maine
Joined: February 05, 2016
Shep fan since: 1967
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 2925
Dad was a HAM and beat cop on patrol with a small radio and a piece of wire to attach to a drain pipe to get WOR. I was 12 and supposed to be sleeping and had a short wave radio and found Shep's show. Neither knew the other was listening to Shep till many years later.
Randall, Grant
Alexandria, Virginia
Joined: November 11, 2004
Shep fan since: 1971
Discovered Shep:
Read one of his books
Guest No: 1341
Good God, Thanks for this Site.Some portal for my younger years,formed by a master storyteller.Alone in rural America,I saw life a little more clearly through his words. Hard lessons more easily absorbed and much laughter.Car and Driver columns were my first exposure,then saw Shep on Virginia Graham[!] show,promoting Wanda Hickey. I bought the book,and was changed forever.Great appearance,as she didn t seem to "get" his humor!
Rank, Lynne
Port Orchard, Washington
Joined: July 08, 2003
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1002
Found the website reference in Nachman's book, SERIOUSLY FUNNY.
Ransom, Stewart
Staten Island, New York
Joined: February 06, 2005
Shep fan since: 1972
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1431
Rassler, JJ
Boston, Massachusetts
Joined: August 04, 2003
Shep fan since: 1963
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1030
I was born in '51. My old man used to love those 'family drives' on the weekend. My older brother was a DJ on college radio in the early 60's and could talk the old man into turnin on Shep Live from the Limelight. This got to be a regular thing and the rights were a little more bearable. The fits story to hit me was teh Great Ice Cream War he told about on the 4th of July. And then all the Army stories. After awhile, I knew Shep's childhood and Army buddies. A guy I met who is a few years older, my brothers age, and I started talking humor and I took a shot..."Ya ever hear of Jean Shepherd?" His eyes lit up like Roman Candles. The stories came racing back and it was like discovering the Ark. Since then, I've tried aquiring what I can and me and my buddy sit in a car and listem to Shep like we'd done 40 years ago, and it's aged like floor varnish. Thanx for hostin' this site..."Oh I'm the Sheik...the Sheik of A-ra-by"
Rast, October
Redlands, California
Joined: December 16, 2004
Shep fan since: 2003
Discovered Shep:
Saw One of His Movies
Guest No: 1385
I grew up watching "A Christmas Story" every year as a family Holiday tradition. This year my two year old son has been introduced to it and insists on having it on all day long. I still love it even after 10 hours a day for the last week. I finally just noticed the part where it says “based on the book In God We Trust..." and I had to look it up. So after all this time I only just found out about Jean Shepherd. And he's gone. His narration is my favorite part of the movie and now I know that he wasn’t just some actor hired to do it, and that explains why it’s so good.
Raupe, Joel
Raleigh, North Carolina
Joined: January 02, 2001
Shep fan since: 1969
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 386
Raw, Saul D.
Brooklyn, New York
Joined: June 20, 2000
Shep fan since: 1960
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 125
Raymond, Vic
Pampa, Texas
Joined: February 14, 2001
Shep fan since: 1952
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Guest No: 441
Raysses, Michael
Los Angeles, California
Joined: February 20, 2003
Shep fan since: 1973
Discovered Shep:
Read his Playboy short stories
Guest No: 890
i am an actor/writer who lives in los angeles. i was born in gary, indiana, and lived in the calumet region up until the time i graduated law school in chicago. i always had a vague awareness of mr. shepherd, one that came into focus years later when a friend thrust a handful of cassette tapes into my hand with the order "you've got to listewn to these!" i listened to them the way a hungry man takes his first meal after a long fast. and i locked them away. they were treasures, to be sure. but as a writer, i struggle to find my voice. and so alluring, so powerful and pure, are mr. shepherd's, that i had to banish them in an attempt to not fall under their sway. i write a monthly column for the hammond times under the title "greek to me." it is told from the point of view of a region rat who worked a million faceless jobs as a kid and a young man before he moved to los angeles to pursue his creative dreams. recently, i showed some of my writing to a movie producer who had voiced an interest in my writing. when i last saw him, he paid me the highest compliment imaginable: he said i reminded him of jean shepherd. sometimes, it just doesn't get any better... here's to you, mr. shepherd! may you live forever in the hearts and memories of those whose lives you illuminated... michael raysses
Razler, David M.
Mays Landing, NJ, New Jersey
Joined: January 03, 2001
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 367
Razler, David M
Lindenhurst, New York
Joined: January 16, 2006
Shep fan since: 1965
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1608
The COMPLETE introduction and 13 chapters of I Libertine are now available for download!!!!! Flick and Shep Live - Somewhere And we miss Ted S. and the Ballentines too. Along with the OLD management at 1414 Broadway, 710 on your dial That powerful, powerful station With that 50 Killowatt Smile.
Rea, T E
Evansville, Indiana
Joined: November 04, 2000
Shep fan since: 1966
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 280
Rea, John
Annandale, New Jersey
Joined: November 21, 2004
Shep fan since: 1966
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1350
There are still none in his class.
Reading, David
Hightstown, New Jersey
Joined: December 27, 2003
Shep fan since: 1963
Discovered Shep:
On the Radio
Guest No: 1173
Gene, Thank you so much for this site. When I try to convey to people who did not have the pleasure to listen to Jean, I am at a loss for words. It is as you say, you felt he was just taking to you. My mother was a regular listener while I was listening to Cousin Brucie on WABC. On evening I was tuning on the AM dial and heard him taking about working in a steel mill. It was very hot in the mill, but he had to wait for a break to have a coke. By the time the break came and he drank that coke, I had to have one! After that I was hooked. His stories in my dark bedroom lit by the light from the radio where some of the best times I ever spent in my own head. If coca-cola had the copyrights to that bit they have the best commercial they ever produced. I also remember a story about him knocking a magpie off of a telephone pole wire and so on. He was a great talent and I miss him taking to "me." Best regards, David Reading
Reardon, Jackie Nolan
Burlington , New Jersey
Joined: May 29, 2000
Shep fan since: 1966
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 212
Reck, Frank
Aberdeen, New Jersey
Joined: June 04, 2001
Shep fan since: 1968
Discovered Shep:

Guest No: 595