Special to the Observation Post
Congers, N.Y.. Nov. 1—Ike and Adlai are in for a shock.
The Observation Post learned today that Jean Shepherd and Theodore Sturgeon will enter the 1956 Presidential race this afternoon, on the Nocturnal Party ticket.
The official announcement will be made as part of an hour long address by the two "Night People" in Room 212 Finley Student Center beginning at 12 Noon. The event will be taped by WVCC for possible "Voice of Democracy" airing.
When order has been restored, after the announcement, Shepherd and Sturgeon will retire to the College bookstore where they will autograph copies of "I, Libertine" written by Sturgeon with collaboration from Shep, and rumored the successor to "Roberts Rules of Order."
In an exclusive interview today OP learned that Shepherd's first act as Chief Executive would be to change the national motto to'"you gotta make dough."
The leader of the "Night people" explained his cult. "Night People-ism is a state of the mind - a way of looking at things."
"A Night People," running-mate Sturgeon added, "is someone who lives by the dictum: 'Nothing is absolutely so.' "Sturgeon, claimant to the title "The World's First Night People," is also a top science fiction writer and champion ESP-er. He is currently searching for his own personal-ism. "Everyone should
have his own personal-ism," he explained, "like the Marquis de Sade and Sen. McCarthy. I'm sure that Sturgeonism exists, I just don't know what it is." Concerning his political future Ted said, "I don't know. I may consent to be Vice President. It all depends on the vice."
Mr. Shepherd originally suggested the interview, in order to attack "The Campus" for allegedly misunderstanding his platform. "I am not," he claimed, "an advocate of 'Dynamic Conformity' as they said Wednesday. In fact, I hate the stuff. I am heartily in favor of 'Conservative Rebellion.' "
When informed that his ensuing attack on The Campus might enter into the realm of libel, he offered, "All right, then. Truth is libel. Be careful of it. Steer clear of it, college students."
In the Bag
As election of Shepherd and Sturgeon seems inevitable (Pogo is expected to throw his votes over to the Nocturnal Party), all students interested in getting their fingers into the pork barrel should be in Room 212 Finley at 12 Noon today.
From l-,2 PM, in the College bookstore, the two will autograph copies of "I, Libertine," published by Ballantine Books (paperback, thirty-five cents - hardbound, more). All-purchases will be considered campaign contribution, and as such tax-deductable.