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Last Update: 01-12-2015

Frank Paswinski

aka: Mr. Paswinski

Esso station owner

Additional Comments:
Dorothy and Andrew Paswinski have a son Mark, who explained several connections to Shep's stories: His Uncle Frank owned a gas station on 165th and Arizona, which may or may not have been an Esso station as refered to by Shep as "Mr Anderson's Esso". Mark worked there for a few years and Jack Flickinger was a regular customer. "He always said after getting some gas, "check the oil" as it always seemed to be a quart or two low." The reference in Jean's book "I remember the time Paswinski chased you up on the garage and you stayed there all Saturday," Flick sneered, probably refers to my Uncle Frank Paswinski. Mark's father worked at another gas station, Ardnt's (sp?) on 165th and Arkansas. Mark's wife is Judy Doppler/Paswinski. Her father, George Doppler was a friend of Jeans and was also in the same grade with him. The Doppler Family was in the construction business and had no connection with the Orpheum gravy boat riot.