A Day at the Races
Thursday - January 7, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I think I'll come on and do about a fast five minutes here. . .
Show Description
Wedding gowns with pants
Sale on topless and bottomless swim suits in Toronto
New Yorkers and signs.
30% of the people today are lunatics. The New Yorker has a stoney gaze.
A place in Sweden thinks Shep is an exotic art collector - the catalogs come in plain brown wrappers, and a place in Kansas City that thinks he is a used sock buyer.
Shep tells about the time when he was about 17 and in high school, that he gets a letter from the Arlington Racetrack - Jockey Club inviting him to the club house area. With the letter came an official pass which he proudly put into his wallet. Shep takes his girl one day to the big race, featuring Whirlaway. Apparently the same pass was sent out to everyone else - the track was mobbed.
Shep places a $2.00 bet on Whirlaway. It was the only race Whirlaway lost all year.
The girl he took to the track was Dorothy Anderson, who remembers the event even in 2005, confirming that she and Shep had dated for a while, corresponding while he was in the Army.