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Agents, Producers, Panel Shows
Airdate: Monday - July 18, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 07-31-2024

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
It's a tough life, hey you know, speaking of a tough lives. . . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Max Schmid - 07-31-2024 ] Lindsay goes to Shea Stadium - gets heavily booed! What if it happened to Johnny Carson?? Musical Theater plagiarism. People love the familiar. Kazoo to unk music (Tiger Rag) Dear Mr Shepherd: "Where can I get that Chutzpah you keep talking about?" People get dragged to shows they don't care about. Going to free TV shows in NY "Hit the Whoopie" Who sez they're in their right mind, which reminds me... Smokey Bear for forest fires. Springtime music (Dance of the hours??) Regal Crown Sour Candies Shep was offered MC-ship of two game shows. All games and hosts must look alike. Replaceability! The business of Show Business. Broadway agents have a lot of power. Some agents just produce background crowds, or TV guests. Game show panel types: The Serious One. Vivacious Lady type. Actress type. The Curmudgeon. Rover 2000 TC. More on the behind-the-scenes agents who rule show biz.
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